January 1-5, 2025

“To the Heights!”

Columbus, Ohio

SEEK is an annual, weeklong conference put on by the Fellowship of Catholic University Students (FOCUS), a Catholic outreach organization that shares the hope and joy of the Gospel with the world.

This conference is designed and intended for anyone and everyone, whether you're a die-hard cradle Catholic or a skeptic of religion (or somewhere in between).

At SEEK25, you will have opportunities to spend time with friends (and make new ones!), grow in community, hear from renowned speakers on various topics currently weighing on the minds and hearts of young people, attend concerts and live recordings of podcasts, and more. 

Most importantly, you will be invited to encounter God – whether for the five hundredth or the very first time.

There is something for everyone at this conference, if you dare to seek it out: "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened" (Mt. 7:7).




A typical day at SEEK:

We begin each day with Mass, and then participants attend breakout sessions given by well-known Catholic speakers on various topics such as “Faith and Science,” “College Dating 101,” “Finding Purpose in Work,” etc.

During the lunch break, you can visit the many vendors selling Catholic art, coffee, apparel, and more; or sightsee in the host city (Washington, D.C.).

After the afternoon talk sessions and dinner with friends, we all return to the main room for the keynote speaker – the main event of the day (besides Jesus, of course).

Every evening there is dancing, a concert, or some other form of entertainment available!