
  • Registration: Opening March 5

    Theme: ALIVE

    Cost: $75 (support available if needed)

    Location: Camp Wabanna, Edgewater

    Join us for our Spring Retreat! You will not regret taking time to grow with us as a community and in your faith!

“By the end of my last retreat, I felt that I had found another family in the Catholic Retrievers.” Chi-Chi, C‘23

Retreats are a really special part of our ministry. These are key moments that give us the opportunity to “Come away by yourselves to a deserted place and rest a while” (Mark 6:31). After all of our retreats, our community has strengthened and all who have attended have felt a deeper connection to Jesus Christ.

If you are hesitant to attend one of our retreats, please consider the words of Ellen:

“Want to come on retreat, but anxious about getting all of your work done? Jesus's friend Martha was, too (see Luke 10:39-42). Martha's anxiety over her workload tempted her to forgo precious time with Jesus. In reply, Jesus doesn't tell her that her work and responsibilities aren't important - but he does challenge her priorities. he makes that challenge of each of us, too. Trust Jesus. Choose the better part. Come on retreat.”

Fall Retreat 2024

Spring Retreat 2024

Fall Retreat 2023

Spring Retreat 2023

Fall Retreat 2022